
A Python module for implementing a UDS + ISO-TP stack for automotive diagnostics

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Python module for implementing a UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) + ISO-TP (ISO 15765-2) stack for automotive diagnostics.


You can install the module using pip:

pip install pycan


from pycan import ISOTP, UDS

def bytearray2hex(d):
    return " ".join("{:02X}".format(x) for x in d)

def recv(id):
    ret = None

    # Peripheral logic here

    return ret

def send(id, extended, fd, data):
    print("CAN TX    {:02X}|{}|{}|{}".format(id,
                                             "EXT" if extended else "NOEXT",
                                             "FD" if fd else "NOFD",
    # Peripheral logic here

    return len(data)

def main():
    isotp = ISOTP(recv=recv,
    uds = UDS(rxid=0x718,       # Default configuration (can be changed on each function if supported)
              txid=0x710,       # Default configuration (can be changed on each function if supported)
              extended=False,   # Default configuration (can be changed on each function if supported) 
              recv=isotp.recv,  # Select here the lower layer in the stack
              send=isotp.send,  # Select here the lower layer in the stack
              fd=True)          # Default configuration (can be changed on each function if supported)

    print('Start routine')
    ret, data = uds.routineStart(0xaabb)
›    if ret:
        print("Positive response with value: {}".format(bytearray2hex(data)))
    print('Stop routine')
    ret, data = uds.routineStop(0xaabb)
    if ret:
        print("Positive response with value: {}".format(bytearray2hex(data)))
    print('Results routine')
    ret, data = uds.routineResult(0xaabb)
    if ret:
        print("Positive response with value: {}".format(bytearray2hex(data)))

if __name__ == '__main__':


Phase 1: Initial Setup

Step 1: Project Structure

  • Create the initial project structure.
    ├── pycan/
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   ├── pyisotp.py
    │   ├── pyuds.py
    │   └── utility.py
    ├── setup.py
    └── README.md

Step 2: Implement CAN Interface

  • Write can_interface.py to handle basic CAN communication.

Step 3: Implement ISO-TP Layer

  • Write pyisotp.py to manage ISO-TP message fragmentation and reassembly.

Step 4: Implement UDS Protocol

  • Write pyuds.py to implement UDS over ISO-TP.

Step 5: Create Setup Script

  • Write setup.py for module packaging and installation.

Step 6: Write README

  • Create a comprehensive README.md with installation and usage instructions.

Phase 2: Development and Testing

Step 7: Develop Core Features

  • (0x10) Diagnostic Session Control.
  • (0x11) ECU Reset.
    • (0x0) Hard Reset
    • (0x1) Key OffOn
    • (0x2) Soft Reset
    • (0x3) Enable Rapid Power Shutdown
  • (0x14) Clear Diagnostic Information.
  • (0x19) Read DTCI nformation.
  • (0x22) Read Data By Identifier.
  • (0x23) Read Memory By Address.
  • (0x24) Read Scaling Data By Identifier.
  • (0x27) Security Access.
  • (0x28) Communication Control.
  • (0x29) Authentication.
  • (0x2A) Read Data By Periodic Identifier.
  • (0x2C) Dynamically Define Data Identifier.
  • (0x2E) Write Data By Identifier.
  • (0x2F) Input Output Control By Identifier.
  • (0x31) RoutineControl.
    • (0x01) Start Routine
    • (0x02) Stop Routine
    • (0x03) Result Routine
  • (0x34) Request Download
  • (0x35) Request Upload
  • (0x36) Transfer Data
  • (0x37) Request Transfer Exit
  • (0x38) Request File Transfer
  • (0x3D) Write Memory By Address
  • (0x3E) Tester Present
  • (0x84) SecuredDataTransmission
  • (0x85) Control DTC Setting
  • (0x86) ResponseOnEvent
  • (0x87) LinkControl

Step 8: Unit Testing

  • Write unit tests for pyisotp.py.
  • Write unit tests for pyuds.py.

Step 9: Integration Testing

  • Perform integration tests to ensure all components work together.