

PostImpatica opened this issue · 1 comments

Any rough timeframe idea on when RxJava will be incorporated? I'm partly asking because I'm really excited about this but also asking to determine wether I should wait a couple weeks or not on implementing this. Thanks!

Hi @helzgate.
There are already a couple of modules to leverage RxJava with Reductor:

  • Modules 'reductor-rxjava' and 'reductor-rxjava2'. They allow observing Store (and Cursor) as Observable (or Flowable for RxJava2)
  • Module 'reductor-observable', which is a port of https://github.com/redux-observable/redux-observable. That allow you to define async actions using RxJava observable.

All these libraries are part of this project. All sources can be found in this repo, for artifacts check bintray page: https://bintray.com/yarikx/Reductor.

How do you want RxJava to be incorporated? If libraries above don't cover your use-case I will be happy to discuss.