
Pass-by-reference Detected in State

ZonZonZon opened this issue · 1 comments

In your article (part 2) there is a State class example:

public class AppState {
public final List todoItems;
public final TodoFilter filter;

  public AppState(List<TodoItem> todoItems, TodoFilter filter) {
    this.todoItems = todoItems;
    this.filter = filter;


If I'm not mistaken, this will not freeze the state of an app, because passed parameters are references and this.todoItems copies a reference. Thus after some time reference source changes and so does my final this.todoItems.

There should be a kind of clone with a new object creation. Doing it in reducer is not obvious and can be source of errors. State class is a better place to my mind.

Missed Pcollections part in Prologue. Sorry.