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This project is a SQLite statement builder, allow you write SQL in Java.
It's not a fast way to build SQL statement, but it may make your codes more clear and more intuitive.
The simple demo like this:
// DELETE FROM `fruit` WHERE `name` = "apple";
Column fruit_name = new Column("name");
SQLite.delete("fruit", Clause.equals(fruit_name, "apple"));
// SELECT * FROM `fruit` WHERE `name` = "apple";
SQLite.selectAll("fruit", Clause.equals("name", "apple"));
By static method in SQLite:
String table = "table"; // table name
Map<String, Object> cv = new HashMap<>(); // column-value mapping
cv.put("column", "value"); // to add more
// INSERT INTO `table` SET `column` = 'value';
String sql = SQLite.insert(table, cv);
or using class Insert:
String sql = new Insert(table)
.add("column2", "value2") // add one more
SQLite.delete(String table, Clause where);
By static method in SQLite:
String table = ...; // table name
Map<String, Object> cv = ...; // a map with <column, value>
String sql = SQLite.update(table, cv);
or using class Update:
String sql = new Update(table)
.add(column, value) // add one
Simple way to select all colunm in one table.
SQLite.selectAll(String table, Clause where, int limit);
Most of the time, you may use the Select Builder for complex query.
String sql = new Select("fruit")
.add("*") // list column in table
.add(new Now("today")) // also include function: NOW() AS `today`
.add(new Virtual("ok", "alias")) // add virtual column: 'ok' AS `alias`
.join(new InnerJoin("price", "p") // join table: INNER JOIN `price` AS `p`
.add("column1")) // add column in the join-table
.add("column2", "alias0")) // add column with alias
.on("_id", "fruitId") // on
.add("price", "box") // allow to add column in join-table(not suggest)
.where(Clause.like("type", "apple") // WHERE `type` LIKE 'apple'
.and(Clause.in("fruitId", 1, 2) // AND (`fruitId` IN {1, 2}
.or(Clause.equals("a", "b")))) // OR `a` = 'b')
.orderBy(new Asc("_id").desc("type")) // ORDER BY `_id` ASC, `type` DESC
// Sigle clause:
// in, between, isNull, isNotNull, like,
// equals(=), lessThan(<), lessEquals(<=), moreThan(>), moreEquals(>=)
Clause.equals(column, pattern)
// Multi-clause
MultiClause clause = new MultiClause(clause1)
.and(clause2.or(clause3)); // or() & and() may return MultiClause
Column(String name); // no table
Column(String table, String name); // with table
Column(table, name).as(String alias); // with column alias
Column(table, name).as(tableAlias, nameAlias); // with table alias
new Sum(name); // function
new Virtual(name, alias); // virtual column
List<ColumnInfo<?>> cols = new ArrayList<>(); // column of table
cols.add(new IntColumn("_id").autoIncrement());
String sql = SQLite.createTable("table", cols);
// or using CreateTable
String sql = new CreateTable("table") // table name
.add(new IntColumn("_id") // add column
.autoIncrement() // AI
.primaryKey()) // PK
.add(new TextColumn("txt")
.notNull() // NOT NULL
.setUnique(true) // UNIQUE
.defaultValue("")) // default value
// There are more methods in the class SQLite: