Turn cudnn.deterministic to False lead to faster and better trainning
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Hi, thank for this great work. What I have found is that turn cudnn.deterministic to False in line 49 of file main.py make the training way more faster and sometimes leads to better accuracy of the final model. I experience this phenomena with COCO, VOC and even my private dataset. Do you think this is a bug or something ?
No, the "cudnn.deterministic" switch is used to repeat the result of your experiments. You can search for more information about this.
So you only use cudnn.deterministic only for experiments and inference things and turn it off when training? Is that correct ?
No, "make the experiment reproducible" means you can train the same model when you turn on this switch in the TRAINING stage.
Ah OK that's make sense. Thank you. So I'm close this issue now