
simple pre-build ASP.NET core API project using .NET8

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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SharpAPI is a simple and easy-to-use pre-built ASP.NET Core web API using .NET8 & additionnal cool features.

This project includes a base user service application for managing users.

Code Architecture

Before delving into features, let's explain the code organization:

MODELS: Models are used to define your future database entities. I've chosen to use BaseEntity models to centralize data logic, such as IDs and creation dates, for cleaner code.

REPOSITORIES: Repositories are utilized to interact directly with the database using an abstraction layer for communication.

SERVICES: Services are employed to manipulate client data using DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) and interact with the database using repository methods.

CONTROLLERS: Controllers are responsible for interacting with your API through endpoints and retrieving data.

MIGRATIONS : Migrations are used to interact with database creating your Models into it.

Creating migrations ? : dotnet ef migrations add <migration_name>

You will also find a demonstration of pagination system used to interact with large amount of data using pages.


this project use to following dependencies :

  • Entity framework
  • SQL server
  • Automapper to map entities for DTO's

Launching project :

  1. clone project on your local machine with git clone https://github.com/Yekuuun/SharpAPI.git
  2. go to /api and use dotnet restore
  3. update database with dotnet ef database update
  4. launch application using dotnet watch run

Note : Make sure Entity Framework is installed on your local machine. Install it : dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
