
`dumb-init` swallows SegFault error logs from NodeJS

tchupp opened this issue · 4 comments

Pretty much the title!

I haven't investigated other languages, as NodeJS has a relatively easy reproducible example. I imagine whatever is running inside dumb-init is less important here anyways.

Minimum Small reproducible example

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/sh node:18-alpine3.15

> cd

> apk add python3 python2 libexecinfo libexecinfo-dev g++ make vim dumb-init

> npm install node-segfault-handler

> vim index.js
let segfaultHandler = require('node-segfault-handler');

> echo "enough setup already!"

> node index.js
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

> echo $?

> dumb-init node index.js

> echo $?

> node index.js
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

> dumb-init node index.js

the shell is printing that, this has nothing to do with dumb-init

Do you mind elaborating a little bit?

your shell is printing "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" -- for example try:

$ python3 -c "import subprocess; print('node', 'index.js')))"

Ah, interesting! So the monitor in the shell that prints "Segmentation faul (core dumped)" isn't basing that on the exit code then.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction 😁 I found more info here that helped me understand what was going on: