
Using Offset Set

Diceshake opened this issue · 0 comments

The notation in the docs says the usage for Offset Set is the following:

This command takes a group id, and a set of topics, partitions, and offsets.
kafka-consumer-manager --cluster-type test --cluster-name my_cluster offset_set my_group topic1.0.38531

Running that I get the following error:

Error: Badly formatted input, please re-run command with --help option.

When running the --help option, the usage statement says it should be

kafka-consumer-manager offset_set groupid <topic>.<partition>=<offset>

Once again running that I get an error:

Error: Unable to commit consumer offsets for:
  Topic: my_topic Partition: 0 Error: 0

The usage statements seem to differ and both aren't working for me, could someone help me with my confusion?