
Possible to grab video?

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@Yetangitu firstly, thank you so much for Spodcast! Secondly, I'm not a developer and so I'm unfamiliar with the etiquette of posting here (please delete if this is out of place).

Is it possible to grab the video feed alongside the audio? I appreciate that this is probably outside of the project scope. If it is possible then perhaps someone might fork at some point. I'd love to delete Spotify altogether, but I like having Picture-in-Picture while I work.

I had a look at video after I - somewhat prematurely - answered to a similar request at HN that it would be rather easy. Well, it isn't. Spodcast rides on the shoulders of librespot-python which is a python port of librespot. The former currently does not support video (yet), I have no idea whether this is planned. Even if/when it is supported it would have to deal with DRM (Widevine) which is a pain in the ass and something better avoided. So, for now, no video. I never even thought of including it myself since I listen to netcasts while I work (outside, on the farm and in the forest etc) where my eyes are needed elsewhere.