
[bug] Standard Modules/Edit Fields not working in 6.4.0

Closed this issue ยท 1 comments

๐Ÿž bug report

โ‰๏ธ Describe the bug

๐Ÿ”ฅ How to trigger the error

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Settings/Standard modules/Edit Fields
  2. See error


SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'module' in 'where clause' Failed to prepare SQL: SELECT templateid, name FROM vtiger_trees_templates WHERE (module=:qp0) OR (share LIKE :qp1)

๐Ÿ‘Ž Actual Behavior

I want setup an extra field for invoices, but the error pops up

๐Ÿ‘ Expected Behavior

here in mexico we need to create a digital signed invoices. so ill add a boolean field to track if the invoice is already signed.

๐Ÿ‘ท Testing

๐Ÿ“ท Screenshot of configuration


๐Ÿ“ PHP/Apache/Nginx/Browser/CRM Logs

i didnt found anything related in cache/logs/

๐ŸŒ Your Environment

Environment Version / Name
YetiForce 6.4.0
Web server (name and version) nginx 1.14.2
PHP 7.4. 21
Operating System (name and version) Docker Container
Database (name and version) MySQL 5.6.51
Service Pack version

โ“ Additional context

Im using Cloudflare, the original instalation was inside a hosting with softaculous, but was really slow and cron wasnt supported with that hosting. We migrated to docker when the latest was 6.2.0 and had problems before but where related toMySQL 8.


I added a column into vtiger_trees_templates just waiting for another error, but it didnt. worked fine again
