
Czech translate, tip for icon download

matata86 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thank you for your weather card.

Can you add czech translate please?
cs: { tempHi: 'Teplota', tempLo: 'Teplota v noci', precip: 'Srážky', uPress: 'hPa', uSpeed: 'm/s', uPrecip: ['mm', 'in'], cardinalDirections: [ 'N', 'N-NE', 'NE', 'E-NE', 'E', 'E-SE', 'SE', 'S-SE', 'S', 'S-SW', 'SW', 'W-SW', 'W', 'W-NW', 'NW', 'N-NW', 'N' ], 'clear-night': 'Jasná noc', 'cloudy': 'Zataženo', 'fog': 'Mlha', 'hail': 'Kroupy', 'lightning': 'Bouřky', 'lightning-rainy': 'Bouřky, déšť', 'partlycloudy': 'Polojasno', 'pouring': 'Silný déť', 'rainy': 'Déšť', 'snowy': 'Sníh', 'snowy-rainy': 'Sníh s deštěm', 'sunny': 'Jasno', 'windy': 'Větrno', 'windy-variant': 'Větrno' },

Do you have some tip, where download nice weather icons?

I use static svg icons from Amcharts and from
In the archive, the icons have already been renamed to match the names in the card.

Can you add czech translate please?

Added in v1.1.0