
Number of forecasts

lucibuz opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there a way to customize the number of forecasts days/hours that are display?

At the moment, when the card is loaded, it automatically calculates the number of forecasts depending on its width. If you set more forecasts, then most likely you will get bubbles out of the columns or shift of images from the center. However, I am going to add more options for configuring the charts, so perhaps this option will appear in the future.

Thanks that will be great.
Thank you for developing the card is awesome :-)

Just as an example to see how useful will be the "number of forecast", I'm attaching some screenshots, I'm using the default home assistant Weather forecast from, I believe they use 24h hourly forecast so trim it to 5-6 hours will be very useful.
forecast hourly
hourly card

You seem to need to reduce the size of the icons a bit. I am using icons_size: 30 in this example


+1 for this feature

+1 for this feature