
MELPA-stable snapshot is broken with ivy 0.14.0

xgqt opened this issue · 2 comments

xgqt commented

The snapshot on MELPA-stable is very old, it's the last tag, so back in 2020, that version uses some functions removed from ivy 0.14.0.

I use ivy-rich from Gentoo which has a fixed snapshot so I did not realize my config is broken on systems using MELPA stable.

Below is a OpenSUSE VM using MELPA stable repository:

Please create a new tag to regenerate the MELPA stable snapshot. Thanks in advance!

Hi, I've create a new tag.

Please try later when the rebuilding of Melpa is finished.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't notice that version is broken on stable Melpa.

xgqt commented

The new version from git 0.1.7 works well. I do not see it available on MELPA-stable yet but it should get there. Thanks a lot!