- 3
Filter by major mode
#28 opened by shobute - 10
Discussion about merging the two project?
#36 opened by casouri - 17
use with all-the-icons-ivy?
#37 opened by emacsomancer - 3
- 7
- 1
- 14
Slow with tramp
#47 opened by seagle0128 - 2
- 1
`ivy-rich-normailze-width` may fail when the input string contains double width chars
#41 opened by finalpatch - 12
Slowdown when using Tramp
#23 opened by jwiegley - 6
Feature request: Omit filename from output of ivy-rich-switch-buffer-shorten-path
#43 opened by diamond-lizard - 2
Should ignore :advice info
#44 opened by seagle0128 - 7
ivy-rich-20180827.656: Error on switch buffer
#39 opened by rnadler - 24
[Feature Request] Show descriptions of command
#32 opened by seagle0128 - 3
Customizing the columns
#29 opened by tautologyclub - 2
easier way to enable
#7 opened by wbolster - 2
- 2
[offtopic] what's the color-theme of the screenshot?
#33 opened by kidd - 0
Error: Args out of range
#30 opened by seagle0128 - 0
- 1
- 4
Apparent cycle of symbolic links
#25 opened by DamienCassou - 1
#18 opened by Boruch-Baum - 4
- 8
formatting issue (in terminal)
#10 opened by carlcotner - 2
broken ivy-avy
#16 opened by tmdemelo - 3
With ivy-rich, ivy-switch-buffer crashes when there is a buffer created via browse-url-emacs
#14 opened by emacswatcher - 5
Args out of rang
#8 opened by xianghx - 5
Extend to other scenarios
#11 opened by seagle0128 - 14
- 2
- 1
ivy--switch-buffer-pad raises error
#1 opened by syohex