
build error

Closed this issue · 6 comments

make: *** No rule to make target 'src/version.vala', needed by 'bin/neo_layout_viewer'. Stop.
version.vala is blacklisted in the .gitignore

Hello Nano13,

thanks for this information. Please run a Makefile target manually, to create the version file:
make gen_version

The next update should resolve this dependency error, too.

Regards Yggdrasil

Fixed in commit 8e165fb

Thank you!
Sadly now i have another issue with this fix:

version.vala:1.27-1.27: error: syntax error, unexpected character
namespace NeoLayoutViewer{\n public...

If i delete all the $(NL) from the makefile (lines 145-150), then it compiles correctly.

Which OS and Make version (make -v) does you use?

The error is caused by a missing backslash interpretation of the echo command. Normally, echo suppress the conversion without the '-e' flag, but make seems to convert newline characters itself (or add -e to echo commands). That was probably a wrong assumption.

I convert the critical calls of the built-in 'echo' command to /bin/echo.
This should normalize the output.

Thanks, making works now!
My OS is arch linux, make-version (GNU Make) 4.2.1