A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。
Pinned issues
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[Feature Request] 求FUYU-8B支持
#5949 opened by mk2leo - 1
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[Feature Request] 在可选择的模型列表隐藏未配置的模型
#5946 opened by ccq18 - 7
[Bug] 总结带图片聊天的token消耗差不多是实际情况的100倍
#5908 opened by narugakuru - 1
[Bug] 流式输出,消息累加
#5944 opened by EricYuan1201 - 1
[Bug] 本地yarn dev可以运行,yarn build报错
#5943 opened by 2936401755 - 1
[Bug] 新版本插件删除了代理选项, 那么服务器部署duckduckgo无法使用应该怎么弄呢
#5942 opened by gngshn - 12
#5846 opened by XXXLPROMAX - 3
[Feature Request] 请求添加智谱AI的全新免费视图模型glm-4v-flash
#5921 opened by dupl - 9
[Feature Request] Add Gemini 2.0 Flash Exp, Gemini Exp-1206 Models and Gemini Stream Realtime Functionality
#5931 opened by ninirobot - 9
[Bug] 模型在选择下拉菜单中显示不正确,且无法添加自定义模型
#5933 opened by NP-Prob - 1
[Feature Request] 断更了吗?
#5928 opened by dupl - 1
[Bug] 生成摘要的模型会使用聊天模型的api key,而非它自己的key
#5926 opened by qaz741wsd856 - 4
[Feature] Model Context Protocol
#5909 opened by crazyyanchao - 5
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[Feature Request] Add perplexity API support
#5922 opened by DerekWongJC - 1
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[Feature Request] 官方app会员可选模型中Claude-3.5 sonnet不是最新版本
#5907 opened by yanzi2029 - 2
[Feature Request] 输入框粘贴长文时反应很慢,希望改善
#5902 opened by haso2007 - 3
[Bug] docker 部署 有跨域问题
#5898 opened by lijieyuan - 0
[Feature Request] Add support for o1 models
#5900 opened by top-player - 4
[Feature Request] 有没有考虑一个简化版/老年版/青少年版?
#5882 opened by Xheldon - 0
[Feature Request] Help with the web search plugin
#5897 opened by shizuo-x - 3
[Feature Request] Load custom models as ENV variables in docker or some other way to load custom models.
#5896 opened by shizuo-x - 3
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[Feature Request] 历史记录管理优化
#5892 opened by bestZwei - 3
#5885 opened by Strivy-ZSY - 2
增加对Mistral AI API或Agent API支持
#5884 opened by LightToDo - 3
#5876 opened by Concertoss - 1
[Bug] 服务端不能正确响应模型禁用,禁用后依然支持执行任意模型请求
#5881 opened by wysaid - 7
[Bug] 设置DEFAULT_MODEL=grok-beta 默认并没有被选择为grok-beta
#5864 opened by SHIJS1999 - 9
[Bug] Docker启动容器立马退出
#5857 opened by JJLi0427 - 1
#5878 opened by salihakcam - 3
[Feature Request] 使用一个自定义的固定的api接口
#5862 opened by HopeHak - 0
User delay
#5877 opened by MrKing884 - 3
[Feature Request] 2.15.8没有打包mac的安装包版本了
#5868 opened by jochne - 1
[Bug] v2ray 代理下无法正常使用网页版
#5863 opened by lkrandom - 1
#5867 opened by Tinker1024 - 3
[Feature Request] 请问如何登录chatgpt的plus账号来用
#5869 opened by qq937728 - 5
[Bug] claude回复数据已收到,但是客户端提示无法empty response
#5865 opened by DaXue403 - 3
[Feature Request] 新模型gpt-4o-2024-11-20
#5860 opened by prinzchao - 11
[Feature Request]自定义的模型名称太长,导致在模型选择中不显示
#5859 opened by jackwwy - 1
[Bug] 你的自带卸载程序会删除软件所在父目录下所有文件
#5858 opened by otonashi-ayana - 9
[Feature Request] anthropic api 中 system role的实现
#5856 opened by zhangyu911013 - 1
[Bug] v2.14.4 + 版本,Azure 配置 无法切换最新模型
#5854 opened by mrrnb - 1
[Feature Request] 通过命令触发模型选择
#5853 opened by QAbot-zh - 1
[Bug] failed to fetch
#5848 opened by linnnff - 3
[Bug] 部分模型的数学公式显示有问题
#5847 opened by AndyLin2020 - 7
[Bug] O1 MINI使用中遇到的问题
#5845 opened by sandycs-protoss