
A Collection of Algorithms and Datasets for Stereo Image Super-Resolution

With recent advances in stereo vision, dual cameras are commonly adopted in mobile phones and autonomous vehicles. Using the complementary information provided by binocular systems, the resolution of image pairs can be enhanced by stereo image super-resolution (SR) algorithms. In this repository, we first present a collection of datasets and papers on stereo image SR, together with their codes or repos. Then, we develop a benchmark to comprehensively evaluate milestone and state-of-the-art methods. Welcome to raise issues regarding our survey and submit novel results (better together with original files and source codes) to our benchmark.

Note: This repository will be updated on a regular basis, so stay tuned~~🎉🎉🎉




Dataset Publication
Flickr1024 Flickr1024: A Large-Scale Dataset for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, ICCVW 2019
Middlebury High-resolution stereo datasets with subpixel-accurate ground truth, GCPR 2014
KITTI 2012 Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite, CVPR 2012
KITTI 2015 Object Scene Flow for Autonomous Vehicles, CVPR 2015


Method Publication Official Repository
StereoSR Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of Stereo Images using a Parallax Prior, CVPR 2018 PeterZhouSZ/
PASSRnet Learning Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, CVPR 2019 LongguangWang/
SAM A Stereo Attention Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, SPL 2020 XinyiYing/SAM
SPAMnet Stereoscopic image super-resolution with stereo consistent feature, AAAI 2020. --
DASSR Disparity-Aware Domain Adaptation in Stereo Image Restoration, CVPR 2020. --
IMSSRnet Deep Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution via Interaction Module, TCSVT 2020. --
CPASSRnet Cross Parallax Attention Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, TMM 2021. canqChen/
BSSRnet Deep Bilateral Learning for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, SPL 2021. xuqingyu26/
iPASSR Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, CVPRW 2021. YingqianWang/
DFAM A Disparity Feature Alignment Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, SPL 2021. JiawangDan/DFAM
CVCnet Cross View Capture for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, TMM 2021. xyzhu1/CVCnet
SSRDE-FNet Feedback Network for Mutually Boosted Stereo Image Super-Resolution and Disparity Estimation, ACM MM 2021. MIVRC/SSRDEFNet-PyTorch
SVSRNet Stereo video super-resolution via exploiting view-temporal correlations, ACM MM 2021. --
PSSR Perception-Oriented Stereo Image Super-Resolution, ACM MM 2021. --
NAFSSR NAFSSR: Stereo Image Super-Resolution Using NAFNet, CVPRW 2022. megvii-research/
Trans-SVSR A New Dataset and Transformer for Stereoscopic Video Super-Resolution, CVPRW 2022. H-deep/


We benchmark several methods on the KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015, Middlebury and Flickr1024 datasets. The test sets used below can be downloaded from Google Drive and Baidu Drive (Key: NUDT). Note that, All these methods have been retrained on the same training set (60 images from the Middlebury dataset and 800 images from the Flickr1024 dataset) for fair comparison.

PSNR and SSIM metrics are used for quantitative evaluation, which are first calculated on each view (without boundary cropping) independently, then averaged between left and right views to generate the score of a scene. Finally, the score of a dataset is obtained by averaging the scores of all its scenes.

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods for 2xSR:

Method Scale #Params. KITTI 2012 KITTI 2015 Middlebury Flickr1024
Bicubic 2× — 28.51/0.8842 28.61/0.8973 30.60/0.8990 24.94/0.8186
VDSR 2× 0.66M 30.30/0.9089 29.78/0.9150 32.77/0.9102 25.60/0.8534
EDSR 2× 38.6M 30.96/0.9228 30.73/0.9335 34.95/0.9492 28.66/0.9087
RDN 2× 22.0M 30.94/0.9227 30.70/0.9330 34.94/0.9491 28.64/0.9084
RCAN 2× 15.3M 31.02/0.9232 30.77/0.9336 34.90/0.9486 28.63/0.9082
StereoSR 2× 1.08M 29.51/0.9073 29.33/0.9168 33.23/0.9348 25.96/0.8599
PASSRnet 2× 1.37M 30.81/0.9190 30.60/0.9300 34.23/0.9422 28.38/0.9038
BSSRnet 2× 1.89M 31.03/0.9241 30.74/0.9344 34.74/0.9475 28.53/0.9090
iPASSR 2× 1.37M 31.11/0.9240 30.81/0.9340 34.51/0.9454 28.60/0.9097
SSRDE-FNet 2× 2.10M 31.23/0.9254 30.90/0.9352 35.09/0.9511 28.85/0.9132
NAFSSR-T 2× 0.45M 31.26/0.9254 30.99/0.9355 35.01/0.9495 28.94/0.9128
NAFSSR-S 2× 1.54M 31.38/0.9266 31.08/0.9367 35.30/0.9514 29.19/0.9160
NAFSSR-B 2× 6.77M 31.55/0.9283 31.22/0.9380 35.68/0.9544 29.54/0.9204
NAFSSR-L 2× 23.8M 31.60/0.9291 31.25/0.9386 35.88/0.9557 29.68/0.9221

PSNR and SSIM values achieved by different methods for 4xSR:

Method Scale #Params. KITTI 2012 KITTI 2015 Middlebury Flickr1024
Bicubic 4× — 24.58/0.7372 24.38/0.7340 26.40/0.7572 21.82/0.6293
VDSR 4× 0.66M 25.60/0.7722 25.32/0.7703 27.69/0.7941 22.46/0.6718
EDSR 4× 38.9M 26.35/0.8015 26.04/0.8039 29.23/0.8397 23.46/0.7285
RDN 4× 22.0M 26.32/0.8014 26.04/0.8043 29.27/0.8404 23.47/0.7295
RCAN 4× 15.4M 26.44/0.8029 26.22/0.8068 29.30/0.8397 23.48/0.7286
StereoSR 4× 1.08M 24.53/0.7555 24.21/0.7511 27.64/0.8022 21.70/0.6460
PASSRnet 4× 1.42M 26.34/0.7981 26.08/0.8002 28.72/0.8236 23.31/0.7195
SRRes+SAM 4× 1.73M 26.44/0.8018 26.22/0.8054 28.83/0.8290 23.27/0.7233
BSSRnet 4× 1.91M 26.47/0.8049 26.17/0.8075 29.08/0.8362 23.40/0.7289
iPASSR 4× 1.42M 26.56/0.8053 26.32/0.8084 29.16/0.8367 23.44/0.7287
SSRDE-FNet 4× 2.24M 26.70/0.8082 26.43/0.8118 29.38/0.8411 23.59/0.7352
NAFSSR-T 4× 0.46M 26.79/0.8105 26.62/0.8159 29.32/0.8409 23.69/0.7384
NAFSSR-S 4× 1.56M 26.93/0.8145 26.76/0.8203 29.72/0.8490 23.88/0.7468
NAFSSR-B 4× 6.80M 27.08/0.8181 26.91/0.8245 30.04/0.8568 24.07/0.7551
NAFSSR-L 4× 23.8M 27.12/0.8194 26.96/0.8257 30.20/0.8605 24.17/0.7589


We provide some original super-resolved images and useful resources to facilitate researchers to reproduce the above results.