
MeshCMD.exe not connecting to Mesh Central Server for port maps

Closed this issue · 1 comments

LPJon commented

Mesh Central Server Version:---------0.9.38
Mesh Central Router Version:--------1.8.7960.26198
MeshCMD Version:------------------
Windows Version:--------------------21H1-19043.1288

The issue/question #112 has now become an issue. I have tested the port map functions of both Mesh Central Router and MeshCMD and have had the following results.

  1. Mesh Central Router was able to perform the port map connection perfectly without issues and was able to work with the Login Token option provided by Mesh Central Server.

  2. MeshCMD was unable to login to Mesh Central Server at all. Regular and token based logins did not work. In fact the Mesh Central Server Trace showed nothing. Thought well okay maybe it's being held up at the reverse proxy. After inspecting the reverse proxy logs I couldn't even find an attempted connection.

MeshCMD Debug Output:

Settings: {"action":"route","localport":2222,"remotename":"<remote machine name>","remotenodeid":"node//<remote machine node ID>","remotetarget":null,"remoteport":2222,"username":"<Token Username>","serverid":"<Server ID>","serverhttpshash":"<Webserver Cert Hash>","debuglevel":1,"serverurl":"wss://<Webserver domain name>:443/meshrelay.ashx"}
Connecting to <subdomain.domain.tld>.

This issues appears to be related to issue #2873
I suspect that there is some kind of issue with the URI construction like the issue listed above.

I need MeshCMD port map to work because I need to perform the port map on Linux systems. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you test for this issue.

LPJon commented

Moved ticket to main Mesh Central branch #3218