
What is the coordinate system for the poses?

half-potato opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to create a point cloud from the depth maps.I am using z forward, x right, y up and the results don't make sense.

The coordinate system is the standard one, but the poses are inverted.

@half-potato Hi! Sorry to bother.

I encounter a similar problem, I want to convert the 3x3 rotation matrix from BlendedMVS to OpenGL format (x-axis to the right, y-axis upward, and z-axis backward along the camera’s focal axis). But I couldn't find any information about the coordinate system convention of BlendedMVS.

The coordinate system is the standard one, but the poses are inverted.

Could you please tell me how does the poses inverted?

Thank you very much!!

Inverted, like, the transformation is inverted.