
fusible build error in win10 visual 2019

lilipopololo opened this issue · 4 comments

when I build this version of fusible(edited by author?) in vs 2019, opencv 4.5.2,(openMP 2.0), I found in mathUtils.h

#if defined(_WIN32)

static float roundf ( float val ) {
return floor ( val+0.5f );

C2491:definition of dllimport function not allowed

so I remove it and revise it to
#if defined(_WIN32) static float roundf(float val); #endif
can it work? And what can i do for this.
(I can build the origin fusible in win, but I think fusible edited by author may work better)

I change size_t to long int as same as the origin edition in displayUtils.h(105 9), and change static float to static inline float(mathUtils.h14 8), I can build fusible.exe in win10, but I can't use it to generate the point cloud and depth maps, I dont know why.

During I use the origin version of fusible , commander always show
"Not enough space to save points".
perhaps it may affect the quality of generated depthmaps and point clouds



请问是什么问题?我用fusibile出现Segmentation fault core dumped