[WIKI] Add info on how to convert Steam Auth Ticket for Web Api to hex string
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KhanDevelopsGames commented
The wiki for steam_user_get_auth_ticket_for_web_api lacks important info on how to convert the received byte array to a hex string. I was able to do it myself after a few hours, but adding the information to the wiki directly will save the time of a lot of devs.
Here is the code i have used, should it be of any help:
Convert Functions:
function steam_auth_bufferToHex(_buffer)
var _hexString = "";
var _byte = 0;
var _bufferSize = buffer_get_size(_buffer)
buffer_seek(_buffer, buffer_seek_start,0);
for(var _i = 0; _i<_bufferSize;_i++)
_byte = buffer_read(_buffer, buffer_u8);
_hexString += byte_to_hex(_byte);
return _hexString;
function byte_to_hex(_byte)
var _initialValue = string(ptr(_byte));
if(_initialValue = "null")
return "00";
return string_delete(_initialValue,1,string_length(_initialValue)-2)
Aync - Steam Event:
//handle Steam auth
var _event = async_load[?"event_type"];
if(_event = "ticket_for_web_api_response")
var _success = async_load[?"success"];
var _receivedTicketBuffer = async_load[?"auth_ticket_buffer"];
var _hexString = steam_auth_bufferToHex(_receivedTicketBuffer);
scr_server_account_loginWithSteam(_hexString); //Send HTTP request with your hex converted Auth Ticket to your Server
steam_user_cancel_auth_ticket(user_receiveSteamWepApiTicket); //Cancel the auth ticket if something goes wrong.
DiasFranciscoA commented
This as been added to both the WIKI and offline docs (available on next relase of steamwork)