
a somewhat simple C89 forth VM

Primary LanguageC


A dirty C89 implementation of a VM-based Forth.


  • (old) python3 version
  • port to c89
  • create words with :
  • comments with ( and ((
  • if( statement
  • simplify variables (they become simply words that return adresses)
  • floating point operations
  • turn on -Wpedantic and fix every issue that arises
  • get rid of stdbool.h (it's a C99 extension!)
  • test-compile with clang and some other C compiler
  • actually use return stack (I forgot that!!)
  • loops / tail recursion
  • custom width variables?
  • )else( on if statement
  • I/O primitives (probably a read and write which take both a fd, a buf and the max len )
  • fix bug: anything after >v VARNAME is ignored??
  • lambdas (anonymous words)
  • dynamic word calling (for lambdas)
  • structs/tables/whatever (how would that work)
  • C integration?? :))
  • fibers? (how would that work? interpret code from each fiber alternatively?)