
Public bouncer causing relays to be overloaded

Darecjo opened this issue · 26 comments

IS Bostr connected to several relays at once ? Because it is causing relays to shut off very rapidly and it is not practical. Can someone clear the way Bostr works ?

Unfortunately relays limit the number of subscriptions per IP to a really low number (as low as 10 for some software). I've built a similar piece of software as this one, and I'm facing problems. The only way around it is by using firehose filters ({ limit: 0 }) and caching everything. I see no other way when you're serving multiple users. This only works if there's 1 user for the entire server.

I'm rebooting the relays daily because of the overload tons of connection workers are coming out from bostr. Consuming subscriptions per clients should me optimized or we all gonna need heavy specs for it which is costy. as @alexgleason said the best way is to cache and serve same way primal.net is doing with their cache server.

bostr was actually never supposed to run in a public space, and i was expecting this results in return by relays operator already even as an public bostr operator.

as @alexgleason said the best way is to cache and serve same way primal.net is doing with their cache server.

I am not here for the caching, and therefore making it remains inaccurate. It's simply making it to become another nostr relay software before i even implemented caching.

But let's see, I think i could do caching relay+bostr approach.

I'm here to inform you of what i experienced and maybe other relays operators are experiencing if they are not well aware of this its gonna cost them. the nginx access.log was at its max with connection coming from bostr. Hope things get optimized, because the idea behind it seems great.

the nginx access.log was at its max with connection coming from bostr.

I could not avoid this in public bouncer.
Now send me your relay address so i remove it on the relay list.

nah its all good i increased the worker_connections within the nginx.conf and everything seems okay. If I faced other issues I will let you know for sure. Keep it up!

Implemented caching and this should improve stuffs at relay owner's side.

Awsome!! Lets see how things go

Not really reliable i would say.

at least it lowers the case


Will keep it open as of now.

Hey there, the problem is still existed. Could you please remove wss://nostr-01.yakihonne.com and wss://nostr-02.yakihonne.com from the bostr ? We are receiving several complaint about the relay sorry :/

Hey there, the problem is still existed. Could you please remove wss://nostr-01.yakihonne.com and wss://nostr-02.yakihonne.com from the bostr ? We are receiving several complaint about the relay sorry :/

I never added your relay into my bouncer. Check https://bostr.yonle.lecturify.net

If you are still unsure, Kindly emailing me the log of the IP address so i could do further check at yonle@lecturify.net

Someone else is forking the bouncer then later on i will check the ip address and let u know thanks

Also ensure that the IP has been checked with rDNS. My server IP has it is rDNS pointing to my hostname, and my hostname IP addresses matches to the IP addresses.


I will check and let you know thanks !

Someone else is forking the bouncer then later on i will check the ip address and let u know thanks

They host, and use it.
Not fork.

That's what I mean yeah, if it's not forked it's not gonna be hosted XD

Now this is none of my business. You will need to resolve it by yourself.

yeah for sure 👌

Any report on bostr abusing your nostr relay WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN THIS ISSUE

Neither the IP addresses that you've provided were actually mine. It could be run by other persons other than me. I only have 2 running bostr instance and none of these bouncers has configured to connect to your relays. Please check the bostr website and see whenever your relay was actually configured here.

For more further questions:

Bostr version 2.0.2 has been released which should solve this issue.

[it's best to not publish IP addresses, even for blocking purpose here. Please keep it as private matter instead]