
Flask Web Integration

surajsavita opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for such a wonderful framework.

I wanted to know if there is any flask integration documentation available.
Or if you can point me to the right direction that'll be of great help.


Hey Suraj! You are very welcome.

There isn't a Flask integration yet. This can be your moment of glory if you are ready for it.

Creating a flask_yosai integration ought to be a very straight-forward exercise. If you know Flask, you could have a complete solution, with tests AND a blog post in one day of effort.

  1. Write a FlaskWebRegistry class that subclasses yosai.web.web_abcs.WebRegistry
    -- A viable example is the one I created for Pyramid: https://github.com/YosaiProject/pyramid_yosai/blob/master/pyramid_yosai/webregistry.py
    -- yosai web documentation: https://yosaiproject.github.io/yosai/web

  2. Write the flask-specific hooks (blueprint?) that let you import and use a flask_yosai integration in flask applications

  3. Profit.

I'd gladly add your work to The Yosai Project on github if it includes a professional level of effort for testing.

Feel free to email me at the email address in my github profile