
Need a sample test metrics config

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Is it possible to have a testmetrics configuration which contain all the configuration .

We have currently limited documentation for the testing of the metric files .

  • The documentation has one example config file of job and metric

We'll add it soon to the code but for now:

# Path to metric file
metric: "some_metric.yaml"
# Paths to all the different mock inputs
  # Name of the input to be used in the metric queries
- name: input1
  # Path to the mock file
  path: mocks/input1.jsonl
- name: input2
  path: mocks/input2.jsonl
  # Indicated this mocks a streaming input
  streaming: true
# Add variables 
    var1: value1
    var2: value2
# List of assertions    
  # Name of the step from the metric to assert
  # Per row all different cloumns and their values
  - col1: val1
    col2: val2
  - col1: val3
    col2: val4
  - col3: val5
  - col3: val6

thank you so much @lyogev . that helps :)