
Rotate Screen Output?

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Im new to the pi pico and micropthon, i followed your video and made one of these. So far a fun project and learning a lot.

The issue is I soldered the screen directly to my perfboard, and the output is sideways! Haha...

Is there a way i can edit the LCD driver to rotate 90 degrees?


I discovered using this ST7789 driver : , gives support for rotation. Can also have the driver "baked" in to use up less space and additional functionality.

I am working on a RPG for the PicoGameBoy I made, and will upload the code when I eventually get the game finished.

One issue I was having was running out of memory. After initializing PicoGameBoy() object, was ending up with about 20-30k of free memory. To get around this issue, I am experimenting with limiting the amount of memory allocated to the LCD frame-buffer. If I allocate 24k to the framebuffer, I can load 30x30 png sprites directly to framebuffer from the onboard flash storage memory, keeping 70k free at all times for the game code. I compared this with loading a single sprite, and the same sprite from a bytearray, and the bytearray somehow uses a hundred more bytes. Will see if the PNG method slows down performance much.