
[Bug] "Path of the selected mod is empty" with latest dev build

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When using the latest dev build, I get this message when launching my mods:
"Path of the selected mod is empty. Please update your mod list."

The command line adds three empty arguments/quotes at the end, like this (when trying to launch unmodded Heretic):
"./crispy-heretic.exe" -iwad "../../iwad/heretic.wad" -file "" "" ""

With a PWAD loaded:
"./crispy-heretic.exe" -iwad "../../iwad/heretic.wad" -file "../../pwad/heretic/puss28_qtr.wad" "" "" ""

Thanks for reporting. Should be fixed now.

Oh, didn't realize those were separators. :) Good to know, though. And great it's solved.