
problem when running isw -r

Shadowphoenix opened this issue · 2 comments

set up:
i am running a 'ully updated Arch KDE Plasma,
installed isw via yay
ran modprobe ec_sys as told in the readme
enabled service with systemctl enable isw@16R1EMS1.service and systemctl start isw@16R1EMS1.service without altering isw.conf

whats the issue:
upon running sudo isw -r i get the following error:

did i do something wrong? if yes how do i fix this issue?

what is the output of:

# ls -l /sys/kernel/debug/ec/ec0 (as root)

Also, you might try the package isw-git which builds the latest master with the new options.

What is the output of:

ps aux | grep isw


systemctl status isw@16R1EMS1.service

i just installed isw-git, after a systemctl disable, enable and reboot now it returns the expected boxes with the values. seems like the isw.1.10-package was bugged for me in some way. thanks for the recommendation - i completely forgot a git-version of this existed^^