
I'm missing something.

roo2002 opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm missing something and can't work it out.
Installed and populated database ok.
Ran daemon_spotter from terminal and that retrieved the data, which showed in terminal, great.

The problem I have is the map page shows fine but the actual map does not.
The Aircraft Detected logo also does nothing than spin.
Statistics do show the aircraft info.

Apache version 2.4.34
Php version 5.6.37
MySQL Version10.0.36-MariaDB


Any help appreciated.

It's a problem with Rocket Launcher of Cloudflare that is forcing a strange type for javascript. I updated FlightAirMap to force javascript type, if this doesn't change anything you will have to disable Rocket Launcher.

Thanks for the quick reply Ysurac.
Yup indeed it is Cloudflare.
With Cloudflare disabled all works great.

I have disabled rocketlauncher, updated to the latest commit and played about with the cloudflare settings.
But no joy with cloudflare enabled.

I've contacted cloudflare support and will post the outcome here, in case others have the same issue.

Well the reply from Cloudflare is below.
A bit beyond me, but maybe it will help others.

" I think I may have found the cause. You are sending the following two files from your origin server with the wrong MIME type. If these are scripts you need to mark them as such in your code. They are currently being seen as text/html because the type is PHP.

(index):1 Refused to execute script from 'https://dotdash.space/map/js/map.2d.js.php?1538175752' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. (index):1 Refused to execute script from 'https://dotdash.space/map/js/map-aircraft.2d.js.php?1538175752' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. "

Should be really fixed in latest commit (or not ?).

Thanks Ysurac.

I'll let you know shortly.

The latest commit did the trick.
The map is now displaying correctly with Cloudflare enabled.

Thank you Ysurac.