
LavaPlayer.VoiceChannel value doesn't change after moving to another channel

fernandesdiego opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe your issue in as much detail as possible

When I join the bot to one of my voice channels, then I move it to another channel through discord's UI, it keeps playing on the new channel, that's good, but the player's VoiceChannel property stays with the first channel value.

var player = _lavaNode.GetPlayer(context.Guild)
player.VoiceChannel //always same

I subscribed to the OnPlayerUpdated event, but I can move the bot to multiple channels and the value will be always the first


v5 (Latest)


GitHub's latest

Relevant log output

Version:        3.4
Build:          1257
Build time:     26.10.2021 14:18:37 UTC
Branch          master
Commit:         a364833
Commit time:    26.10.2021 14:15:20 UTC
JVM:            17.0.2
Lavaplayer      1.3.96-original

2022-04-20 16:37:00.860  INFO 9132 --- [  XNIO-1 task-1] lavalink.server.io.SocketServer          : Connection successfully established from Victoria/
2022-04-20 16:37:47.338  INFO 9132 --- [  XNIO-1 task-2] l.server.player.AudioLoaderRestHandler   : Got request to load for identifier "ytsearch:asdf"
2022-04-20 16:37:47.640  INFO 9132 --- [   XNIO-1 I/O-3] lavalink.server.io.SocketServer          : {"guildId":"889915217163735081","sessionId":"562867c2b1bc231cd036150a9078c972","event":{"token":"b10329d5cc50c57d","endpoint":"brazil7351.discord.media:443"},"op":"voiceUpdate"}
2022-04-20 16:37:48.232  INFO 9132 --- [ader-2-thread-1] lavalink.server.player.AudioLoader       : Loaded playlist Search results for: asdf
2022-04-20 16:37:52.856  INFO 9132 --- [   XNIO-1 I/O-3] lavalink.server.io.SocketServer          : {"track":"QAAAhAIAJGFzZGZtb3ZpZSAxLTE0IChDb21wbGV0ZSBDb2xsZWN0aW9uKQAGemVuY2hpAAAAAAAdDYAAC2pqUzVVVFJFOHpZAAEAK2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9ampTNVVUUkU4elkAB3lvdXR1YmUAAAAAAAAAAA==","volume":100,"guildId":"889915217163735081","op":"play"}
2022-04-20 16:39:02.841  INFO 9132 --- [   XNIO-1 I/O-3] lavalink.server.io.SocketServer          : {"guildId":"889915217163735081","sessionId":"562867c2b1bc231cd036150a9078c972","event":{"token":"b10329d5cc50c57d","endpoint":"brazil2846.discord.media:443"},"op":"voiceUpdate"}

Hmmm, I'll check it out