
[Bug]: SkipAsync does not work for child classes of LavaTrack

DrDevinRX opened this issue · 1 comments

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If you use a child class of LavaTrack and put it in the queue, SkipAsync will throw an InvalidCastException.
This is done here: https://github.com/Yucked/Victoria/blob/v5/src/LavaPlayer.cs#L221.

For example, my child class:

    public class MuseTrack : LavaTrack
        public IGuildUser Requester { get; }
        public MuseTrack(LavaTrack lavaTrack, IGuildUser requester) : base(lavaTrack)
            Requester = requester;

This has worked in older version of v5, but after updating to the latest, I can't skip tracks and it throws the exception.
My suggestion would be to use pattern matching instead of using GetType.
if (lavaTrack is not LavaTrack)


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