
[Bug]: Equalizer does not propagate updates?

ivanbiljan opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe your issue in as much detail as possible

I'm using the equalizer as a bass booster. Boosting works fine, however resetting a boosted stream does not. See image below:

Setting the boost to BassBoost.High produces expected results with audios such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft5X5wVBcYQ&ab_channel=UltimateBassBooster, i.e. ,there's a noticeable difference in the strength of the bass.

However, if I try to revert to original state by setting the boost to None (0 gain) nothing happens


v5 (Latest)


GitHub's latest

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No response

Unsure if it gets ignored because 0.0 is default value. Try -0.1 and see if that works

Right, I saw the JsonIgnore, however I forgot to mention that I tried going from -0.25 to 0.35 and that didn't work either unfortunately

For whatever it's worth I just tested this against the v6 branch and it seems to work as intended

If it's working on v6 then it's all good. v5 won't be maintained anymore