
Add local backup

tomdereub opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be great to be able to make local backups with borg, for instance on an external HDD.
Could it be integrated in this package ? Or is it better to create a dedicated app "borg local" ?

That 's already possible
See the help message of first question during installation:

However you have to mount hdd and set permission by yourself.

However you have to mount hdd and set permission by yourself.

Hello, sorry to comment this issue a few later and after closing, but I think it is related and good for clarification : I just want to know which permission (chmod and user:group) is necessary to make borg accessing the local storage ?

Because I have made a directory using sudo su (following the yunohost guide, and my path is /media/HDD/backups) so I am not sure borg can write in this folder. Thank you very much for your kind help.