
My toolkit for galgame localization

Primary LanguagePython


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🍀 General localization tools for galgame, seperated from my ReverseTool
See also, GalgameReverse for specific galgames.


cross platfrom libraries

  • libutil.py, basic serilization functions for ftext and tbl
  • libtext.py, for text exporting and importing, checking
  • libimage.py, something about texture and picture convert
  • libfont.py, for extracting, building tile font, or generating font picture.
  • libword.py, some matching and statistic method for text
  • ftextcvt.py, convert the ftext format made by libtext.py
  • ftextpack.py, method for packing ftext in a bin file with lower memory

windows platform libraries

  • winconsole.js, allocate a console for game
  • winfile.js , view information for both CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, fopen,fread, fwrite
  • winredirect.js, redirect font, codepage, and paths in games
%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
graph LR;

l1 --> l2 --> t2
l1 --> l5  
l1 --> l4
l2 --> t1
l1 --> l3 --> l4
w1 --- w2 --- w3

CLI Example

Install these libraries if you want to use python script.

python -m pip install python-docx # ftextcvt
python -m pip install numpy numba pillow # libfont, libimage
python -m pip install scikit-learn # libimage, for kmeans method

Use these scripts to testing

sh project/pysrc_all/test_pyunit.sh
sh -c "source project/pysrc_all/test_pycli.sh && test_all"

We use ">" to load or save files in zip, such as path1/file1.zip>path2/file2. As for the --batch mode, replace the inpath and outpath files to the list (txtfile, or string like dir1;path1;path2...), usually the first path is for the base directory location

See test_pycli.sh for details, binary build on winwdows are in release.


# insert ftext (save direct or in gz file)
python src/libtext.py insert test/sample/COM001 test/sample/COM001.txt --refer test/sample/COM001 -t test/sample/COM001.tbl -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_rebuild.bin --log_level info --bytes_padding "2020" --bytes_fallback "815A" --insert_shorter --insert_longer  --text_replace "" "季季季" --text_replace "煌びやかな光" "你你你你你" 
python src/libtext.py insert test/sample/COM001 test/sample/COM001.txt --refer test/sample/COM001 -t test/sample/COM001.tbl -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_rebuild.bin.gz --log_level info

# extract ftext from bin file (save direct or in zip file)
python src/libtext.py extract project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_rebuild.bin -o "project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.zip>COM001/COM001_rebuild.txt" --log_level info -e sjis --has_cjk --min_len 4 --skip 0x16 --size 1024

# check ftext (direct or in zip file)
python src/libtext.py check "project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.zip>COM001/COM001_rebuild.txt" --refer project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_rebuild.bin -o "project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.zip>COM001/COM001_rebuild_check.txt" --log_level info -e sjis


# font tbl operation
python src/libfont.py tbl_make cp932 --tchar_replace "" "" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/sjis.tbl"
python src/libfont.py tbl_make cp936 -o "project/pysrc_all/build/gb2312.tbl"
python src/libfont.py tbl_align "project/pysrc_all/build/sjis.tbl" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/sjis_align.tbl" --gap_static --tbl_padding "ff" "x" --gap 0 2 --gap 2 -2
python src/libfont.py tbl_merge --intersect "project/pysrc_all/build/sjis.tbl" "project/pysrc_all/build/gb2312.tbl" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/sjis_gb2312_merge.tbl" --range_reserve 0 70

# make glphy operation
python src/libfont.py font_make --format image "C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf" --tbl "test/sample/COM001.tbl" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font24.png" --tilew 24 --tileh 24
python src/libfont.py font_make --format tile "C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf" --tbl "test/sample/COM001.tbl" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font2418_8bpp.bin" --tilew 24 --tileh 18 --tilebpp 8
python src/libfont.py font_make --format tile "C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf" --tbl "test/sample/COM001.tbl" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font1614_2bpp.bin" --tilew 16 --tileh 14 --tilebpp 2 --palette "00 00 00 00 ff ff ff 60 ff ff ff a0 ff ff ff ff"

# extract glphy operation
mkdir -p "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font24" 
mkdir -p "project/pysrc_all/build/it"
python src/libfont.py font_extract --format image "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font24.png" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/com001_font24" --split_glphy --tilew 24 --tileh 24
python src/libfont.py font_extract --format tile "test/sample/it.bin" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/it" --split_glphy --tilew 20 --tileh 18 --tilebpp 2 --tilesize 92 --palette "ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff 3f ff ff ff 8f ff ff ff ff"
python src/libfont.py font_extract --format tile "test/sample/it.bin" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/it.jpg" --tilew 20 --tileh 18 --tilebpp 2 --tilesize 92 --palette "ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff 3f ff ff ff 8f ff ff ff ff"


# decode tile to image
python src/libimage.py decode --format tile "test/sample/it.bin" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/it_decode.png" --tilew 20 --tileh 18 --tilebpp 2 --tilesize 92 --palette "ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff 3f ff ff ff 8f ff ff ff ff" 

# encode image to 1 tile
python src/libimage.py encode --format tile "project/pysrc_all/build/it_decode.png" -o "project/pysrc_all/build/it_encode1.bin" --tilebpp 2 --palette "ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff 3f ff ff ff 8f ff ff ff ff"


# match ftext_now
python src/libword.py match --format ftext_now test/sample/COM001.txt test/sample/COM001.txt -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_match.csv

# count chars in file
python src/libword.py count --format ftext_org test/sample/COM001.txt -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001_count.csv -n 100


# pack compact mode in zip file, and batch example
python src/ftextpack.py test/sample/COM001 test/sample/COM001.txt -o "project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.zip>COM001/COM001.fp01" -t test/sample/COM001.tbl --pack_compact
python src/ftextpack.py --batch "test/sample;COM001" "test/sample;COM001.txt" -o "project/pysrc_all/build;COM001.zip>COM001/COM001.fp02" -t test/sample/COM001.tbl --pack_compact


# json convert
python src/ftextcvt.py test/sample/COM001.txt -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.json
python src/ftextcvt.py project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.json -o project/pysrc_all/build/COM001.json.txt

File Formats

ftext (translation format text)

The ftext files are using utf-8 unix lf format to store. In the ftexts, we use ●num|addr|size● org_text for origin text reference and ○num|addr|size○ trans_text for translation text edit. Do not modify the index information within or , and must leave a space after or .

Inside the ftext, \r and \n are replaced to [\r] and [\n]. We also use {{}} for input some custom formats or informations to process.

# ftext example  
○00002|00018D|04C○ 湧き出る温泉と豊かな自然に包まれた風光明媚な地で、知る人ぞ知る観光地である。
●00002|00018D|04C● 此地温泉涌流,自然繁茂,风光明媚。可谓是内行人都知晓的胜地。

○00003|0001FD|00A○ 季節は夏。
●00003|0001FD|00A● 时值夏日。{{b'\xff'}}

○00004|000253|068○ 残月島にある唯一の街\n『@r紅霞市(こうかし)@0』では、ここ最近の不況が嘘のように盛り上がりを見せていた。
●00004|000253|068● 在残月岛{{'唯一'.encode('sjis')}}的市区“@r红霞市@0”里,近来经济之萧条每况愈下,已是人心惶惶。

○00005|000307|056○ 『@r花柳街(かりゅうがい)@0』の一郭に存在する置屋に、上流階級のお客様が現れたからだ。
●00005|000307|056● 因为有上流社会的客人来到了@r花柳街@0某郭的置屋。

○00006|000381|032○ ――今、煌びやかな光の中を一人の美しい女性が往く。
●00006|000381|032● ――此刻,正有一位美丽的女性,身披华光,款款行来。

fpack (translation format text pack, ftextpack)

Packing ftext files into a bin file, for optimizing the memory usage. Usually use ftextpack.py to pack ftext files and ftextpack.h to search ftext in the game dynamic translation.

tbl (translation word encoding table)

In the format of tcode=tchar, usally used for custom codepage and glphy mapping.



  • seperate Localizetion Tool from ReverseTool Repo, v0.3.5sep
  • make unit test and cli test script
  • write documentation about the project, such as format and cli example
  • remake libtext.py, libutil.py to make more pythonic and easy to understand, v0.4beta
  • remake ftextpack.py, ftextcvt.py and use unified format
  • remake libfont.py, libimage.py, use numba to improve performance, v0.4.2beta
  • finish libfont.py cli , v0.4.3beta, 0.4.5beta
  • finish libimage.py cli, v0.4.4beta
  • remake libword.py, v0.4.6beta
  • add collated batch files input to improve io performance v0.5


See History.