
ESP32 stucks on "HomeKit: Configuring mDNS"

EnesCinr opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to run the "EspHapLed" example with my ESP32 device. But when i upload the code the logs are here:

Connecting to Superbox_WiFi_2.4GHz_98E3
WiFi connected
IP address:
init_hap_storageReaded bytes ->1409
HomeKit: init_storage_ex size 0x581
Home Integration: hap_services added chararacteristic 0: 00000023-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291
Home Integration: hap_services added chararacteristic 1: 00000025-0000-1000-8000-0026BB765291
Home Integration: homekit_is_paired 0
HomeKit: Starting server
HomeKit: Using existing accessory ID: FC:0C:53:BD:2E:D1
HomeKit: Configuring mDNS

And it stucks on there. I debugged the server.c code and i understood that, in this line server.c:3380 the 'triggered_nfds' variable is returning 0 value. So the for loop is going to infinity loop.

I use ESPHap 1.1 version. With the esp8266 its completely working.

Hi, I do not see any stucks on your logs. ESP is running and waiting for pairing.
Regarding server.c:3380 it's up to design , this is infinity loop (when server run) for incoming TCP connection.
triggered_nfds will be not zero, when some connection come

Hi, I do not see any stucks on your logs. ESP is running and waiting for pairing. Regarding server.c:3380 it's up to design , this is infinity loop (when server run) for incoming TCP connection. triggered_nfds will be not zero, when some connection come

thank you so much, i didnt think to look at homekit for add the device. I just thought this is a bug. Thank you again for this awesome library, have a good day.