
Gem is not working

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to run these puppetter gem for doing some test, but following the basic instructions about installing, and creating a simple sample as the first example shown, i got this:


Which makes me thinks what's wrong? I've tested in two diff machines 1 windows and 1 linux. Both same issue. Just installing and running the sample.

Could you please advice? Thanks!

Thank you for using this gem.
How did you install puppeteer-ruby ? ( gem install puppeteer-ruby or bundle install ?)

HI! Yes, "gem install puppeteer-ruby" as shown in Readme.

I always used bundle install and didn't checked gem install puppeteer-ruby, but it worked for my Ubuntu environment.

Your screenshot shows inspec. Do you use inspec instead of ruby command in CLI?

a6b8 commented

i had a similar problem.

i checked gem list and the problem was i that had also a gem called 'puppeteer' installed. gem uninstall puppeteer fixed the problem. hope it helps.

I tried

gem install puppeteer
gem install puppeteer-ruby
> require 'puppeteer'

However no error occured...

Further information is required for investing this issue.

Hi team, thanks for taking a look to it. After doing many tests installing, removing, updating, I came to know that "inspec" is not able to import correctly custom gems. I'm using inspec for creating a test control but when trying to use puppeteer to check a frontend from it, it doesn't work.
You may close this issue, as far as i could check it's only happening with inspec.
Thanks for the time and dedication.