Plan, path and helpful links to get start and exploring the world of programming. The aim of this repository to help anyone who wants learn code and build things. We will be covering all most all possible paths from beginner to building own artificial intelligence models.
- Programming fundamentals
- Variables
- Variables are used to store values temporarily and life time will be program execution duration
country = 'India'
indian_states = 28;
- Data Types
boolean(True, False)
- Operators
- Will be listing most important and commonly used operators
Assignment Operators ( = )
Comparison Operators ( ==, >, <, >=, <= )
Arithmetic Operators ( +, -, *, /, % )
Logical Operators (python - and , or), (JavaScript - &&, ||)
For rest, please refer dedicated python repository
- Branching/Conditional statements
if(True): pass
while(True){ // For truthy logic goes here }
switch (Python will not support it)
- Below example show that working with switch in JavaScript and its pretty same all most all programming language
switch(type) case 'JavaScript': print('Do logic for type JavaScript') case 'Python': print('Do logic for type Python' case 'Java': print('Do logic for type Java'
- Iterative statements
programming_languages = ['Python', 'JavaScript', 'Java'] for language in programming_languages: print(language) // This code will print languages one by one
- functions
functions are self contained to perform a particular related task.
def sayHello: print('Hello World') return "Hello World" sayHello()
function sayHello(){ console.log("Hello World") return "Hello World" } sayHello();
- Array/List
- Array are used create and store more than one value and it will be stored in contagious memory location
asian_countries = ['India', 'Singapore', 'Thailand', 'Bangkok', 'South Korea', 'Japan']
- We will use pre defined key words to create variables, there are 3 different keywords and it differs among them on scope of variable
var asian_countries = ['India', 'Singapore', 'Thailand', 'Bangkok', 'South Korea', 'Japan']
How to use programming fundamentals with python which we learned from programming fundamentals
Working with files
Interacting with command line
Writing system programming
Automating repetitive task
Few problems to solve
Working with files
- Write program to count number files of image type with extension .jpg, jpeg, png
// Sample out extension count .jpg 6500 .jpeg 800 .png 85000
Analyzing your computer computer memory
- Write a program to analyze memory taken by media files(Video & audio) && also availability of free space in your computer
SQL Data Bases -> MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, Postgres
NoSQL Data Bases -> MongoDB, cassandra