
Do you succeed in reproducing the author's result on smallNORB?

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Hi, @shzygmyx

I am a contributor to another matrix CapsNet in TensorFlow. Are you able to reproduce the result suggested by the author of the paper?

I haven't try training CapsNet on SmallNORB since I'm not familiar with this dataset and I'm busy with my application for graduate school. I'd appreciate it if you can help test my program on smallNORB :)

when i try training CapsNet on SmallNORB, it is only 20% accuracy with 1 iter, i don't know where is wrong , i will try more iter, :)

@ZHANG-SHI-CHANG Thanks for your contribution :) I'm not quite sure about this, but maybe you can try to use smaller learning rate and change the lambda/m schedule

Same issue here...