
Minimal Digital Goods Page

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Content language / 内容语言


Major content / 主要内容


Logo: "Shopify" on the top left
Search bar in the center
"Login" button on the top right
User icon next to the login button


Left sidebar with menu items: "Shop", "About", "Contact"

Main content:

Heading: "Browse our Products"
Grid layout with 8 product cards (4 columns, 2 rows)

Product cards:

Dark gray background
Placeholder for product image (not loaded in this view)
Product title
Short description or quantity
"Buy Now" button

Products displayed:

Minimalist Icon Pack
Infographic Templates
Geometric Patterns
Gradient Illustrations
Retro Textures
Handwritten Fonts
Isometric Illustrations
Minimal Mockups


Copyright notice
Links to "Terms of Service" and "Privacy"

Color scheme:

Predominantly dark (black and dark gray)
White text for contrast
Light gray buttons

Overall layout:

Clean and minimalist design
Consistent spacing and alignment
Easy-to-scan product grid
Clear hierarchy with headings and product information

Style theme / 样式主题

No response

Referred image / 参考图片
