
IE10/IE11 setImmediate bug

Opened this issue · 8 comments

It looks like there is a bug inside IE10+'s implementation of setImmedate:

It might be desirable to ignore IE's setImmedate implementation and use the onreadystatechange trick for it.

Ha! Found this in a random Google search (Googled setimmediate ie10). Whaddup @dantman!

Any updates on this?

@dantman Were you planning on making a PR for this?

@ronkorving No, I don't believe I'm even using this specific polyfill implementation anymore.

@dantman Did you find a better alternative?

@ronkorving Lately I just use whole package polyfills like core-js. Though I haven't dug into their actual implementations or determined if they have this same issue.

@dantman Understood. Thanks 👍