
Question about User Information List

Closed this issue · 13 comments

is it possible that the metadata in the UIL is updated via AzureCP (e.g. JobTitle)?
What is responsible that the UIL is updated if you do not have a User Profile Service?

Yvand commented

@ivanrusso yes it is possible (and it does it by default). If there is no User Profile Service, it will remain with what is set by AzureCP.
But there was a bug in AzureCP: If you changed the config related to the JobTitle in AzureCP, it was no longer set correctly in UIL.
This is fixed in v20 (just published).

@Yvand I have updated to v20, but JobTitle and Department are still empty on UIL.
how is the metadata updated in the UIL, according to the source code there is no job that updates this information?

Yvand commented

@ivanrusso can you go to central admin > security > AzureCP Claim types configuration: Confirm that you have "AAD Property to query" JobTitle linked to "PickerEntity metadata" Title ?
If yes, can you test again in a new site collection?

@Yvand I have tested it on a new SiteCollection.
When I add a user to a SP Group, then JobTitle and Department, OfficeLocation are empty.


With the following PS Script I was able to update the the UIL

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell

$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication
foreach($site in $webApp.Sites)
    $cpm = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimProviderManager]::Local
    $azurecp = $cpm.GetClaimProvider("AzureCP")
    $init = $azurecp.ClaimProvider.Initialize($null, $null)
    $web = $site.RootWeb
    $users = $web.SiteUsers
    foreach ($user in $users)
        if ([Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimProviderManager]::IsEncodedClaim($user.LoginName))
            $claim = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimProviderManager]::Local.DecodeClaim($user.LoginName)
            $issuerType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPOriginalIssuers]::GetIssuerType($claim.OriginalIssuer);

            if ($issuerType -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPOriginalIssuerType]::TrustedProvider)
                $pickerEntity = $azurecp.ClaimProvider.Resolve($web.Url, @("User"), $claim) | Select -First 1
                if ($null -ne $pickerEntity)
                    $userItem = $web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItemById($user.ID)
                    $update = $false
                    foreach ($entityEntry in $pickerEntity.EntityData.GetEnumerator())
                        switch ($entityEntry.Key)
                                if ($userItem["EMail"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["EMail"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true
                                if ($userItem["JobTitle"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["JobTitle"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true
                                if ($userItem["Department"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["Department"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true
                                if ($userItem["MobilePhone"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["MobilePhone"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true
                                if ($userItem["WorkPhone"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["WorkPhone"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true
                                if ($userItem["Office"] -ne $entityEntry.Value)
                                    $userItem["Office"] = $entityEntry.Value
                                    $update =$true

                    if ($update)

Yvand commented

Can you set the logs to verbose:

"LDAPCP:*"| Set-SPLogLevel -TraceSeverity Verbose

Then, when you add a user from the people picker, LDAPCP will record (in verbose) the metadata it sets for each user added (including the title, office, etc...)


I have set the log to verbose.

"AzureCP:*"| Set-SPLogLevel -TraceSeverity Verbose
Merge-SPLogFile -Path "C:\Tmp\AzureCP_logging.log" -Overwrite -Area "AzureCP" -StartTime (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-10)

In the log I can't see any metadata for (title, office, etc...)

04/25/2022 13:33:50.29 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x14A4	AzureCP                       	Core                          	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] Access token for tenant '***.onMicrosoft.com' expired, renewing it...
04/25/2022 13:33:50.29 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x14A4	AzureCP                       	Core                          	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] Getting new access token for tenant '***.onMicrosoft.com' on cloud instance 'AzurePublic' using client ID *** and a client secret.
04/25/2022 13:33:50.73 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x2974	AzureCP                       	Core                          	1337	High	[AzureCP] Got new access token for tenant '***.onMicrosoft.com' on cloud instance 'AzurePublic', valid for 1 hour(s) and retrieved in 435 ms	
04/25/2022 13:33:50.96 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x0E14	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Medium	[AzureCP] Got 1 users/groups in 661 ms from '***.onMicrosoft.com' with input 'ivan'
04/25/2022 13:33:50.96 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1E40	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] 1 entity(ies) to create after filtering
04/25/2022 13:33:50.96 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1E40	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] Added entity: display text: 'Ivan Russo', claim value: 'ivan.russo@***.ch', claim type: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress'
04/25/2022 13:33:50.96 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1E40	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	Medium	[AzureCP] Returned 1 entities from input 'ivan'
04/25/2022 13:33:55.12 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1E40	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Medium	[AzureCP] Got 1 users/groups in 57 ms from '***.onMicrosoft.com' with input 'ivan.russo@***.ch'
04/25/2022 13:33:55.12 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1BD4	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] 1 entity(ies) to create after filtering
04/25/2022 13:33:55.12 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x125C)        	0x1BD4	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	High	[AzureCP] Validated entity: display text: 'Ivan Russo', claim value: 'ivan.russo@***.ch', claim type: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress'
Yvand commented

Ok, so it looks like Azure AD does not return any of those properties.
Can you use the Graph explorer to replay the query below and confirm if Azure AD returns the metadata?
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users?$select=UserType, Mail, UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, GivenName, Surname, DisplayName, Mail, MobilePhone, JobTitle, Department, OfficeLocation&$filter=accountEnabled eq true and startswith(UserPrincipalName,'<username>')


The query returns the metadata.

"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users(userType,mail,userPrincipalName,displayName,givenName,surname,mobilePhone,jobTitle,department,officeLocation)",
    "value": [
            "userType": "Member",
            "mail": "ivan.russo@***",
            "userPrincipalName": "ivan.russo@***",
            "displayName": "Ivan Russo",
            "givenName": "Ivan",
            "surname": "Russo",
            "mobilePhone": "****",
            "jobTitle": "CEO",
            "department": "Management",
            "officeLocation": null
Yvand commented

@ivanrusso ok, thank you for the verifications, I will do some tests on my side and come back to you

Yvand commented

@ivanrusso there were some confusions I'll try to clarify:

  • To see the metadata set by AzureCP in SharePoint logs, you need to set logging to verboseEx (verbose is not enough, my mistake)
"AzureCP:*"| Set-SPLogLevel -TraceSeverity Verboseex

Then you get an output like this:

04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Lookup	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] 1 entity(ies) to create after filtering	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'DisplayName' of new entity to 'Christie Cline'	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Email' of new entity to 'ChristieC@TENANT.OnMicrosoft.com'	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Title' of new entity to 'Buyer'	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Department' of new entity to 'Sales'	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Location' of new entity to '131/2105'	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d
04/26/2022 16:25:40.83	w3wp.exe (0x03E0)	0x123C	AzureCP	Claims Picking	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Created entity: display text: 'ChristieC@TENANT.OnMicrosoft.com', value: 'ChristieC@TENANT.OnMicrosoft.com', claim type: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn', and filled with 5 metadata.	058737a0-6955-50ba-00fa-7bfbf034d82d

Things to note:

  • The metadata Title does not correspond to column tp_Title in SQL table UserInfo. Metadata Title is used in the people picker, as the 2nd line of result
  • The SQL column tp_Title seems to be set based on metadata Email

@Yvand This is the log output:

04/27/2022 11:17:49.31 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Core                          	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Configuration 'AzureCPConfig' was found, version 666771	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.31 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x02D0	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Querying Azure AD tenant 'TENANT.onMicrosoft.com' for users and groups, with input 'ivan'	
04/27/2022 11:17:49.31 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x02D0	AzureCP                       	Debug                         	1337	VerboseEx	Waiting on Task.WaitAll for TENANT.onMicrosoft.com starting	
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x1F7C	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Query to tenant 'TENANT.onMicrosoft.com' returned 0 group(s) with filter "startswith(DisplayName, 'ivan')"	cdc737a0-2275-a0d4-960e-f51385d5cb82
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x0A74	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Query to tenant 'TENANT.onMicrosoft.com' returned 1 user(s) with filter "( (startswith(UserPrincipalName, 'ivan') and UserType eq 'Member') or (startswith(Mail, 'ivan') and UserType eq 'Guest') ) or startswith(DisplayName, 'ivan') or startswith(GivenName, 'ivan') or startswith(Surname, 'ivan') or startswith(Mail, 'ivan')"	
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x0808	AzureCP                       	Debug                         	1337	VerboseEx	Waiting on Task.WaitAll for TENANT.onMicrosoft.com finished	
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x0808	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Medium	[AzureCP] Got 1 users/groups in 297 ms from 'TENANT.onMicrosoft.com' with input 'ivan'	
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Lookup                        	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] 1 entity(ies) to create after filtering	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'DisplayName' of new entity to 'Ivan Russo'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Email' of new entity to 'ivan.russo@xxxx.ch'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'MobilePhone' of new entity to '****'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Title' of new entity to 'CEO'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Set metadata 'Department' of new entity to 'Management'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	VerboseEx	[AzureCP] Created entity: display text: 'Ivan Russo', value: 'ivan.russo@xxxx.ch', claim type: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress', and filled with 5 metadata.	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	Verbose	[AzureCP] Added entity: display text: 'Ivan Russo', claim value: 'ivan.russo@xxxx.ch', claim type: 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4
04/27/2022 11:17:49.61 	w3wp.exe (srvsp13deviru1:0x25D0)        	0x2150	AzureCP                       	Claims Picking                	1337	Medium	[AzureCP] Returned 1 entities from input 'ivan'	cdc737a0-a275-a0d4-960e-fd32f48ce7c4

but on the UIL the Information is not updated:

Yvand commented

@ivanrusso SharePoint does not update the data in the userinfo list based on metadata returned by AzureCP.
SharePoint uses the metadata returned by AzureCP only if the user is added for the very 1st time to the site collection. Then, within 5 minutes, the quick sync job will overwrite it using the data in the User Profile service.

stale commented

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