
android release app crash

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Crashing when opening the android release app, the log show that the class of zego express engine is not found.
Please support me in this issue.

yoer commented

Prevent code obfuscation.

To prevent obfuscation of the SDK public class names, do the following:

a. In your project's your_project > android > app folder, create a proguard-rules.pro file with the following content as shown below:

-keep class .zego. { ; }
-keep class ..zego_zpns.
* { *; }

b. Add the following config code to the release part of the your_project/android/app/build.gradle file.

proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'