
I have a problem with zfcuser and zfcuser doctrine orm

ionutfechete opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello! I use this modules:

 'modules' => array(

        'ZfcUser', //latest version    
        'ZfcUserDoctrineORM', //latest version


but after updating zfcuserdoctrineorm and zfcuser to their latest version (please note i did not changed a thing in the config that used to work, i get the following error :

Fatal error: Call to undefined method ZfcUser\Options\ModuleOptions::getEnableDefaultEntities() in /home/USERNAME/public_html/dev/vendor/zf-commons/zfc-user-doctrine-orm/Module.php on line 15

I checked and no, the method does not exist...what is to be done? thanks!

Don't use ZfcUser Master. Use version 1.x

@Danielss89 It worked! Thanks! I updated because i had some problems...but i will open another ticket if they persist! Thanks for your quick response!