
Data Preparation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, just want to know where is the data.py file to transfer and clip COESOT dataset to mat files.

python ./COESOT/data.py

It would be grateful if you could answer it.

Hi @chenyucheng0221 , I'm sorry for the confusion. To convert COESOT, you can run the ./HRCEUTrack/Base/scripts/event_to_voxel_coesot.py, just like the original COESOT dataset. If any question feel free to contact me. I'll correct it soon.

@chenyucheng0221 please remmeber to set correct path

Thank you for answering!

Hi, I tried to run ./HRCEUTrack/Base/scripts/event_to_voxel_coesot.py as you said, and the path has been set correctly. However, I get this error:

$ python event_to_voxel_coesot.py

==>> foldName: dvSave-2021_12_21_12_10_11 Traceback (most recent call last): File "event_to_voxel_coesot.py", line 91, in <module> os.mkdir(os.path.join(save_path, foldName, foldName+'_voxel')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/mnt/dev-ssd-8T/yuchengchen/Dataset/COESOT/training_voxel/dvSave-2021_12_21_12_10_11/dvSave-2021_12_21_12_10_11_voxel

Have you hit this issue?


@chenyucheng0221 Hi, can you check that is this directory ("/mnt/dev-ssd-8T/yuchengchen/Dataset/COESOT/training_voxel/dvSave-2021_12_21_12_10_11/") existed? This error usually occurs that you are creating two or even more levels directories.

Hi @chenyucheng0221 I'll close the issue, if no more questions. Thanks.