
No checkpoint found at '/home/.../svit-8-512.pth.tar'

YangSkywalker opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, ZK-Zhou,

Could you tell me how to deal with the error " No checkpoint found at '/home/zhou/new_desk/Transformer-SNN/imagenet/src_5/pretrained/svit-8-512.pth.tar'"?

Thank you very much!

Hi,you need to train the weights first, and then evaluate them using test file.

您好,我也遇到了同样的问题,在启动train.py的时候,提示我没有预训练模型文件。可是不应该是train执行完了才有预训练文件吗? @ZK-Zhou

Sorry for late reply, you can delate the resume in yml file and rerun the train.py file. Our pre-trained models are based on old-version code base so we do not provide them.
