Recommendation N°21 not implemented?

JoeyL-pf opened this issue · 1 comments

if unitcode from Rec. N°21 is used for quantity code

          <ram:PackageQuantity unitCode="CT">4.0000</ram:PackageQuantity>

ZUV returns:

 <error type="4" location="/*[local-name()='CrossIndustryInvoice']/*[local-name()='SupplyChainTradeTransaction']/*[local-name()='IncludedSupplyChainTradeLineItem'][1]/*[local-name()='SpecifiedLineTradeDelivery']/*[local-name()='PackageQuantity']" criterion="document('zugferd2p0_extended_codedb.xml')//cl[@id=9]/enumeration[@value=$codeValue9]">
>         Wert von '@unitCode' ist unzulässig.</error>

Maybe Rec. N°21 isn't implemented?
I used a official example from ZUGFeRD


there are codes from both rec 20 and 21 in the codelists (e.g. XPP should work) but I am not sure if all from 21 are allowed, neither https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Code+lists nor the (official ZUGFeRD) codelist xml files list CT.
I contacted whom I consider responsible for the sample files, when I hear anything I'll let you know.