
Plugin not working with latest kotlin version

sureshg opened this issue · 2 comments

kotlin  = "1.6.10"
ksp = "1.6.10-1.0.2"
ksp-auto-service = "1.0.0"


> Cannot query the value of task ':kspKotlin' property 'classpathSnapshotProperties.classpathSnapshotDir' because it has no value available.

It seems like an issue with the old version of KSP this plugin depends on. Would it be possible to upgrade to the latest kotlin version?

This is coming from gradle, which this processor doesn't have any involvement in. I suspect your build is somehow forcing an older version of the KSP gradle plugin

Thanks. On further investigation, it seems to be triggered by the kotlin incremental compilation option. Working fine after removing this option. Sorry for the inconvenience

  withType<KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
    kotlinOptions {
      verbose = true
      javaParameters = true
      incremental = true