Do not fail the build if `@AutoService` annotation is absent from compilation unit
JakeWharton opened this issue · 5 comments
This prevents usage in the following form:
as the testKsp
configuration extends from the ksp
configuration and thus the processor will run over the test sources where the annotation is not present.
Now an easy workaround is to testCompileOnly
the annotation, but I don't have anything annotated in that source set so it's a bit weird.
I don't think this is a problem for the main source set either. If you omit the annotation dependency accidentally you would be unable to annotate any types.
Sounds reasonable to me. I can take a look next week unless you wanna send a PR before then
Should be a two second fix of logger.error to logger.warn (or just deleting the log).
The question is whether you want to test it or not...
I'm already in a side project of a side project where I discovered this. Not sure I can push another onto the stack!
Although I'm in NYC all week if you want to pair!
Game, I'll message ya