Compilation doesn't fail when ksp processor is added
evant opened this issue · 1 comments
I would expect code that doesn't compile to continue not to compile when a ksp processor is added. For example:
val result = KotlinCompilation().apply {
workingDir = this@RoundsTest.workingDir
sources = listOf(SourceFile.kotlin("MyTest.kt", "class Bar(val foo: Foo)"))
inheritClassPath = true
messageOutputStream = System.out
fails with
e: file:///tmp/junit10613545484622425070/sources/MyTest.kt:1:20 Unresolved reference: Foo
but as soon as you add a processor that does nothing,
val result = KotlinCompilation().apply {
workingDir = this@RoundsTest.workingDir
sources = listOf(SourceFile.kotlin("MyTest.kt", "class Bar(val foo: Foo)"))
symbolProcessorProviders = listOf(object : SymbolProcessorProvider {
override fun create(environment: SymbolProcessorEnvironment): SymbolProcessor {
return object : SymbolProcessor {
override fun process(resolver: Resolver): List<KSAnnotated> {
return emptyList()
inheritClassPath = true
messageOutputStream = System.out
then compilation succeeds.
kspWithCompilation = true
does make it fail again, but I don't understand why that should impact this behavior.
I think this is more or less expected behavior tbh. The default implementation from the origin project never compiled KSP-generated files unless kspWithCompilation
was enabled, which forced KSP to run within the same KotlinCompilation. I think there's a limitation that causes this, either that it cannot do incremental processing or multiple rounds. The same situation exists in KSP2, KSP alone doesn't attempt to compile the generated sources.