
Natural language models for generating poetry

Primary LanguagePython

Poetry Generation

Python 3.9.10

Zach O'Brien


The objective of this project is to generate new poetry based on Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. To do so, two types of language models are used:

  • N-gram (2 and 3 gram) language models
  • LSTM character-based language model

Project Structure

Name Purpose
data/ Holds raw base data, and intermediate derived datasets used for model training
scripts/ Scripts to run steps in the processing pipeline like extracting poems from raw data or training a model. These are largely glued together in poetry-generation.ipynb so that the project can be completely re-created from that notebook.
src/ Modular, reusable code which is shared among scripts/, test/, and poetry-generation.ipynb
test/ Unit tests for code in src/
poetry-generation.ipynb A jupyter notebook which presents the project's work and final product. It can be run to reproduce the entire project from only the raw data file.
requirements.txt External packages required by code in this project

Set up Environment

This project's dependencies are specified in a requirements.txt (and requirements-apple-silicon.txt) file, intended for use with Python's built-in venv virtual environment tool.

This project uses Python version 3.9.10. You can attempt to install the packages and run the code with a different version of Python and it might work, but using version 3.9.10 is probably best.

  1. Install Python version 3.9.10, and use that version for the following steps

  2. Create a new virtual environment for this project

    python3 -m venv env
  3. Activate the virtual environment

    # On windows:
    # On Unix or MaxOS:
    source env/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies

    On Apple silicon:

    # With the env virtual environment activated:
    python -m pip install -r requirements-apple-silicon.txt

    On all other platforms, including intel-based macs:

    # With the env virtual environment activated:
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install prerequisite Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) data. Note that this will create a new directory nltk_data/ in your home directory (on Linux and MacOS) in which to insall the data.

    # With the env virtual environment activated:
    python -m nltk.downloader punkt
  6. Install this project's modular source code. This step is critical. If skipped, imports will not work.

    # With the env virtual environment activated:
    cd src/
    # Now, in src/ directory:
    python -m pip install -e .
  7. Verify the installation was succesful by running the unit test suite

    # In top-level project directory
    python -m pytest test/

    Steps 7 and 8 are only required if you wish to run the Jupyter Notebook

  8. Create an ipykernel kernel so that the jupyter notebook can access the virtual environment

    # With the env virtual environment activated:
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name=env
  9. Open Jupyter Lab and navigate to env.ipynb

    # With the env virtual environment activated:

How to Run Unit Test Suite

First, activate the env virtual environment. Then:

python -m pytest test/